Sunday, April 10, 2011

Public Disengagement

It is sad what is happening to democracy in North America. The public is becoming disengaged for various reasons. One sees this most clearly in declining voter turnout rates. I fear it is a systemic problem that will not easily be solved. The irony is that this is happening at the same time as Web 2.0 is creating a sort of model for participatory democracy and people in oppressed countries are seeking a voice. The Reform Party attempted to bring democracy closer to the people, but they could not achieve traction.
Various provincial plebiscites on changing the system from the present first past the post representative democracy have failed. People fear the potential instability of a radical change. This plays nicely into the hands of those elites who profit from the status quo.

Three influential books on democracy are apropos here:
1. A Wish For Kings by Lewis Lapham
2. Revolt of the Elites by Christopher Lasch
3. First Democracy by Paul Woodruff

Very important books that provide a foundation for the change that must come, that is inevitable unless we are to fall into a political pattern I don't want my children to grow up in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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